- 382 results found

Property for Sale in Phasi Charoen, Bangkok

382 results found

Phasi Charoen condo Market insight

The median list price for condos in Phasi Charoen is ฿ 2,493,770. The median list price has gone down by 0.0% over the last year. The median list price per square meter for condos in Phasi Charoen is ฿ 76,397 per sqm.

The median rent price for condos in Phasi Charoen is ฿ 10,835.

The gross rental yield on condos in Phasi Charoen is 5.2%.
Find your next home among 380 listings for sale in Phasi Charoen quickly and easily online. Condominiums, houses, townhouses, commercial space, plots of land, affordable homes and luxury properties are available for sale in Phasi Charoen. The average listing price in Phasi Charoen is ฿ 3,048,192 for condos and ฿ 28,924,167 for houses. If you are after a place to rent in Phasi Charoen then try checking out our Phasi Charoen rental listings. Easily find your next home for sale in Phasi Charoen by filtering types, price and number of bedrooms.