2 bedroom Houses for Sale in Ko Samui, Surat Thani

13 results found

"Looking for a Ko Samui house for sale? This website offers the biggest selection of houses to buy. Houses in Ko Samui often come with a garden and pool and offer the perfect background to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. There are many houses in Ko Samui for sale and with Thailand-property.com you can find exactly what you are looking for quickly and easily. By selecting your preferred area, number of bedrooms and price range you will be able find an up-to-date list from Ko Samui's best real estate agents.

To make sure you are the first to know about new Ko Samui houses, use our 'Get Property Alert' tool to set up property alerts for houses for sale in Ko Samui tailored to your needs. When new listings for houses that suit your criteria become available we will immediately send you an email notification. Its never been easier to find the right house in Koh Samui for sale!"

Ko Samui house Market insight

The median list price for houses in Ko Samui is ฿ 18,479,274. The median list price has gone up by 0.0% over the last year. The median list price per square meter for houses in Ko Samui is ฿ 57,421 per sqm.

The median rent price for houses in Ko Samui is ฿ 106,513.
Search from 9 2 bedroom houses for sale in Ko Samui using Thailand Property’s fast and easy search tools. Save this search to receive emails when new 2 bedroom houses are listed in Ko Samui. Popular developments for sale in Ko Samui include Ban Tai Estate by Ban Tai Estate, Unique Residences by CD&P Master Real Estate and Replay Residence & Pool Villa. Average asking price for 2 bedroom houses in Ko Samui is ฿ 38,971,294. Home buyers searching for their next 2 bedroom property in Ko Samui can also speak to the many agents listing real estate in Ko Samui. If no 2 bedroom homes in Ko Samui meet your requirements then try searching our 2 bedroom houses for rent in Ko Samui.