Houses for Sale in Prachathipat, Pathum Thani

28 results found

Prachathipat house Market insight

The median list price for houses in Prachathipat is ฿ 5,723,767. The median list price has gone up by 0.0% over the last year. The median list price per square meter for houses in Prachathipat is ฿ 29,725 per sqm.

The median rent price for houses in Prachathipat is ฿ 22,620.
28 houses in Prachathipat are available for sale. Save this search to receive emails when new houses for sale are listed in Prachathipat. The average listing price in Prachathipat was ฿ 5,984,231 on 1 Feb 2023 and the average size was 207.5 square meters with 3.5 bedrooms. The average price per square meter for houses in Prachathipat was ฿ 28,840. New homes for sale in Prachathipat include Park Thonglor Tower, The Trendy Office by The Trendy Office and Palm Hills Golf Club & Residence by PALM HILLS GOLF CLUB & RESIDENCE. Thailand Property also provides helpful guides, blogs and regular news to help property buyers with their search.