
Where to Find Nightlife, Jobs and Random Things in Bangkok Online

When you start living in a new place, one of the best things you can do for yourself is find out what the best and most commonly used forums are. Sites and online social groups that are regularly checked by a large percentage of users are extremely helpful, especially for expats who are completely new to their surroundings. Sometimes you may need help on a big and frustrating task, like finding a new condo to rent in Bangkok but it can be equally frustrating to have no idea where to buy something simple like cloth-covered coat hangers or Tide bleach pens.

Lucky for expats in Thailand, and especially those in Bangkok there are many online forums you can use and below we list the best ones:

Best Forums in Bangkok to Find Just About Anything:

Anything: Desperately Seeking: Bkk : This page is constantly updated with expats asking random questions to their community, hoping to find very particular items or information on the latest political situation. It’s a great way to tap the network no matter what you need or need to sell.

Anything: Bangkok Expats: Another great forum updated constantly. Whether you need to know where to buy beer on a Buddah day or what’s the best SIM card for an iPhone, ask anything and get an answer within minutes.

Roommates: Bangkok Take Over My Lease:  Signing a lease on a condo or house in Thailand is tough for many expats who have no idea how long they’ll be living here. That’s precisely why this group exists: to help expats who are stuck in a lease seamlessly pass it on to another person who needs a short term stay.

Work: Jobs in Bangkok and Find Your Job in Bangkok:  Two pages that are essentially the same but both valuable to review if you are searching for a job in Bangkok.

Best Forums for Finding Night-life, Events and Entertainment in Bangkok:

Parties: A Little BKK Part Never Killed Nobody : From Saturday pool parties to Monday Ladies’ Nights, one of the best DJ’s in Thailand, DJ Yui, will tell you where you can go to find the hottest expat events in the capital.

Nightlife:  Bangkok Nightlife: An informative guide and overview of expat nightlife in Bangkok, including articles about new establishments, recaps of previous events, and tips on where you can find cocktail promotions.

Party Pictures: Siam Tonight : The biggest event photography company in Bangkok, this is the page to check first if you’ve been out the weekend before and remember having your picture taken by a guy with a huge camera.

Party Organizers: Duck & Noodle:  These Bavaria-beer-loving event organizers throw some of the best expat parties in Bangkok, always selecting the most interesting and exotic venues to host, from a pirate ship to an abandoned soy sauce factory to one of the tallest rooftops in the city. Always interesting music as well, these parties typically feature deep house DJ’s.

Party Organizers:  Kolour Sundays: Happening only sporadically throughout the year, these parties often sell out of their tickets well in advance due to the excitement of the secret  location for each event that’s not revealed until hours before it begins. The excellent food and curated line-up of DJ’s doesn’t hurt either. Follow their Facebook page to make sure you know when their next event is held. You won’t want to miss it.

General Events: Bangkok Event Network : Here, members of the expat and local culture can post any and all events so this is a great forum to check when you’re bored in Bangkok or looking for inspiration.

Charity Events:
In Search Of Sanuk:  A charitable organization that provides food, shelter, and educational support for victimized women and girls. As ‘sanuk’ is the Thai word for fun and enjoyment, the organization focuses on holding fun and cultural public events to support the organization.

Art Events: OnArto : A scene that’s growing rapidly in this developing city, the art community uses this forum to post about events and happenings, gallery openings, new exhibitions and more.

Tip: You can really keep ahead of the game when finding the best parties and nightlife events in Bangkok, start following the pages of your favorite clubs, bars and venues.  Here are just a few ones we like: Glow, Ku De Ta, NARZ, Sofitel, AmBar, Levels, Insanity, Route 66, DEMO… but the list goes on.  If we’ve missed any great pages let us know in the comment section!