
Tips on how to hire help in Thailand

Make child’s play of hiring help for your home with one of these three means. 

Hiring help for your home may be a new concept especially if you are new to living overseas. An extra pair of hands around the house is very affordable in Thailand especially if compared to your home country. There are plenty of domestic workers seeking employment but it is important to recruit the right person for your fit.

Domestic helpers can help with your children, cooking, cleaning or you may even be considering a driver to tackle Bangkok’s streets for you. But how do you exactly go around hiring help? There are a few things you need to consider when embarking on hiring help especially as you will be welcoming this person into your home so trust is of paramount concern.

1. Word of mouth.

As with many services one of the best forms of referrals is word of mouth. Have you any friends who are leaving the country and want to assist their helper finding new employment? Do your friend’s helper’s have any friends looking for work? Check with colleagues at work or even other parents at school. Get the word out that you are looking and the help will quickly come to you. Many domestic helpers come with references so be sure to get copies of these and also contact the referee directly for further information or reassurance. 

2. Use an agency.

Sourcing domestic help is big business. Agencies take the headache out of advertising and lining up interviews for you. You will need to pay a one-off fee for this service but it is a great way of finding someone quickly. Again call on the experiences of your friends and colleagues to see if they have any recommendations on a particular agency. Ask their opinion on the quality of the applicants as you may find that some have a better standard than others.

3. Social media.

Thailand is awash with Facebook pages dedicated entirely to expatriates. Used to source information and as a guide to living in the city, this can also be the place to find help too. Should an employer be leaving they will want to leave knowing that they have secured their helper a new job. You will need to be quick in responding to these as membership of such pages is in the tens of thousands so there is likely to be a lot of competition. It may even be worth posting your requirements in case someone is leaving Bangkok in the near future and has someone suitable. If you are not already a member of such pages have a search on Facebook and also speak to finds to see if they can recommend a suitable one.

For tips on how to manage your help check out our online blog here.