
Three Simple, Sneaky Tricks To Make Your Condo Seem Bigger

It’s a fact: Condos in Bangkok are getting smaller. And that’s actually a pretty good sign for the economy and the real estate industry, as it’s an indication that prices in Bangkok are growing due to increased demand from a booming population and rapidly developing metropolis.

For condo owners though, it can be a challenge to feel comfortable living in a small space. If you’re wanting to make your space seem bigger, there are certain tricks you can do with paint, decorative items and storage. Read on for some small-space-inspiration.

Picking the Right Paints

Did you know that the quality of paint you choose can actually make a big difference in how big or small your condo will feel? If you choose a low quality paint, which tends to have a chalky texture, it may make the room feel smaller than it is. A shiny paint (but not high gloss!) of a higher quality can reflect the light just enough that it will make the room feel bigger without being a serious part of your décor plan. Try picking a pale color like an eggshell or a pastel.

Add Light Coloured Mouldings

Your condo may or may not come with mouldings to trim the edges of the ceilings and floors, but if they don’t it will be a little effort and a small investment to go a long way. In Thailand it’s quite common to get things custom made for low prices, and if you have a small condo anyways you wont need a lot of material to make a big impact. Mouldings around the edges of a room really add a lot of depth, as they provide just enough visual detail that your eye is naturally but slowly carried to the back of the room.

Keep it Monochromatic

Just as monochromatic clothes give a slimming effect on the wearer, monochromatic décor can really  open up a space. When the eye can glaze over a room instead of being sharply drawn here and there, to this corner or to that rug and then to that chair, the room will seem much bigger. Try to avoid statement pieces when you have a small space.