
SEO: Explained in Real Estate Terminology

Whether you are a small scale real estate agency or a nationwide brand, if you own a business, you are also likely to be a website owner. There can be no doubt appearing in the right places online can be lucrative for any business, real estate industry or not.

Successful SEO is like building a solid property portfolio. There are no short-term fixes and it’s not all about the size of your budget. You don’t need to dish out a ton of cash to get your site in front of people on Google. Just follow these tips, provided by Smart Traffic, a digital marketing company in Bangkok.

Like good architecture, be structurally sound yet simple

Navigation through your site should be clear and logical. Both users and search engines need to be able to understand it easily. If possible, keep everything on the site accessible within 3 clicks.

Like a good interior planner knows, design and usability are of equal importance

The aesthetics are what a user may judge you by, but don’t let this drive your entire design. Flash intros and navigation may appear novel at first, but they will soon wear thin to repeat users.

Like you would be at your open house, be the perfect host

This means providing your visitor with everything they need in the quickest possible time. Page load speed is extremely important for usability as well as affecting how well search engines such as Google rank your site.

Like a good agent does, keep people coming back

Offer exceptional content on a regular basis. A blog is the best way to do this, post at regular intervals and you’ll find that people will show up on time for your latest serving

Market yourself and make yourself known

Competition on the web is fierce. Even if your offerings surpass all your competition, you still need to let people know you exist. Get out there and share your articles on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook which offer extensive reach potential.

 As it is with any property, maintenance is critical

As your website grows it can become a chore to keep clean and tidy. However a broken link is frustrating to both users and search engines and this will reflect in your rankings.