
Don’t be shy to admit DIY defeat

DIY, or do-it-yourself, is a common pastime for many homeowners. The process of improving the look of your home, whether to help the sale of your property or to give your home a refresh, can be as little as a lick of paint to as big as moving bathrooms and changing the configuration of the property.

Putting up shelves or even fitting a new bathroom might seen to be child’s play for some, but a daunting task for others. Don’t be over ambitious, but be true to your abilities and what you are capable of doing. The 10 step instructions that came with your new toilet may seem fairly straightforward, but this is probably the time to set down your tools and call in the professionals so that it is fitted quickly, and so no one is left short.

Gauge your ability
Smaller jobs such as painting and putting up shelves are easy to rectify if things do go wrong. But if your DIY intentions are to help the sale of your property, this is still  the time to consult with the professionals. Call in your local real estate agent to pick their brains about the latest market trends, from the colours to paint your walls or whether it is financially viable to knock down that wall to create open plan living.

Successful home improvements instantly have a positive impact on a property; aesthetically and in its value. So before strapping on that tool belt, remember cutting corners won’t work. Shoddy workmanship only creates a headache down the line, so give it a go, but don’t be shy to leave it to the professionals.