
Why co-working spaces work

How co-working spaces impact the workforce.

The subject of co-working spaces has become very topical of late. Bangkok has seen an increasing number of this new style of working environment coming to the market with many office landlord’s having to adapt to these changing trends.

Providing an environment for individuals to work in, co-working spaces are typically associated to start-up enterprises. It is predicted that 40 percent of the workforce will be freelancers, entrepreneurs and contractors by 2020 so it is important that the traditional office set up is addressed to keep up with changing trends.

Currently, 78 percent of co-workers are under 40 years old. This illustrates how changing work patterns are being adopted by the younger generations in particular the millennials. But why are co-working spaces a success and what benefit do they bring?

It has been revealed by co-workers that:

  1. 92 percent are more satisfied with their working environment.
  2. 91 percent have better interactions at work.
  3. 90 percent gain more confidence by working in co-working space.
  4. 70 percent reported feeling healthier compared to working in a traditional office setting.
  5. 68 percent found it easier to concentrate whilst working.
  6. 64 percent were able to complete more tasks on time
  7. 60 percent are more relaxed and less stressed working from their preferred space.
  8. 50 percent found themselves with even higher incomes.

Companies are taking note of this startling statistics. Google is known for its innovative workplace where there are various breakout areas throughout the office. The theory is to get people from different teams to ‘collide’ throughout the day to communicate and start generating ideas. A concept that can be transferred to co-working spaces. This is a far cry from the old school offices where employees have their heads down at their desks that are sectioned off by partition walls.

As people continue to strive for the perfect work life balance, flexible working is a key factor. Co-working spaces provide this along with a whole host of support services. Fast forward 10 years and there could be a very different office market in play.

Data retrieved from DeskMag, Wix and FastCompany