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Condo for sale/rent: Summer Garden Chaengwattana, next to Pink Line --S station, opposite Central Chaengwattana.

Nonthaburi, Pak Kret, Pak Kret
Sale: āļŋ 1,550,000
Rent: āļŋ 8,000 / month
( Min. 1 year contract )
1 Bedroom Condo for Sale or Rent in Summer Garden, Pak Kret, Nonthaburi near MRT Chaeng Wattana-Pak Kret 28
Full description

Listing ID: YT17-1989

1 Bedroom Condo for Sale or Rent in Summer Garden, Pak Kret, Nonthaburi near MRT Chaeng Wattana-Pak Kret 28

āļ‚āļēāļĒ/āđƒāļŦāđ‰āđ€āļŠāđˆāļēāļ„āļ­āļ™āđ‚āļ” Summer Garden āđāļˆāđ‰āļ‡āļ§āļąāļ’āļ™āļ° āļ•āļīāļ”āļŠāļ–āļēāļ™āļĩāļĢāļ–āđ„āļŸāļŸāđ‰āļēāļŠāļ–āļēāļ™āļĩāļŠāļĩāļŠāļĄāļžāļđ āļ•āļĢāļ‡āļ‚āđ‰āļēāļĄāđ€āļ‹āđ‡āļ™āļ—āļĢāļąāļĨāđāļˆāđ‰āļ‡āļ§āļąāļ’āļ™āļ°

Condo for sale/rent: Summer Garden Chaengwattana, next to Pink station, opposite Central Chaengwattana.
(English version below)

Listing No: YT17-1989

Location: āđ‚āļ„āļĢāļ‡āļāļēāļĢāļ­āļĒāļđāđˆāļ—āļĩāđˆ 9 āļ‹āļ­āļĒ āđāļˆāđ‰āļ‡āļ§āļąāļ’āļ™āļ°-āļ›āļēāļāđ€āļāļĢāđ‡āļ” 19 āđāļ‚āļ§āļ‡āļ„āļĨāļ­āļ‡āđ€āļāļĨāļ·āļ­ āđ€āļ‚āļ•āļ›āļēāļāđ€āļāļĢāđ‡āļ” āļˆāļąāļ‡āļŦāļ§āļąāļ”āļ™āļ™āļ—āļšāļļāļĢāļĩ āļĢāļŦāļąāļŠāđ„āļ›āļĢāļĐāļ“āļĩāļĒāđŒ 11120
Located on : The project is located at 9 Soi Chaeng Watthana-Pak Kret 19, Khlong Kluea Subdistrict, Pak Kret District, Nonthaburi Province, Postal Code 11120.

For more information please call
: ☎ïļ āļ„āļļāļ“āļ§āļīāļ™āļąāļĒ Mr. Winai ( āđāļ›āđŠāļ° Pae
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:Request details

āļĢāļēāļ„āļē 1.55 āļĨāļš. āļ­āļąāļ•āļĢāļēāļ„āđˆāļēāđ€āļŠāđˆāļē 8,000 āļš./āļ”
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Price 1.55 M.THB , rental rate 8,000 baht/month
Room size: 29.71 sq.m. , 3 th floor, Building C
Ready to move in,fully furnished
1 bedroom /1 bathroom/1 rest room/ car park (no fixed parking)

Furniture :
- Bed size 6 feet
- wardrobe
- Built-in kitchen set
- sofa set
- dining table

Electrical appliance:
- Fridge
- 2 air condition
- water heater
- Cooker hood
- Electric stove

Swimming pool, Fitness, Tropical garden, Jogging track, Parking lot, Convenience store in front of the project, Key card entry and exit, CCTV, and 24-hour security system.

Nearby places:
- CentralPlaza Chaengwattana
- BTS Chaengwattana-Pakkret 28
- Panyapiwat Institute of Management
- Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
- Dhurakij Pundit University
About Summer Garden

Summer Garden

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  • Swimming pool Icon Swimming pool
  • Gym Icon Gym
  • Security Icon Security
  • Car park Icon Car park
  • Garden Icon Garden
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Nonthaburi, Pak Kret, Pak Kret
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