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Supalai Veranda Rama 9

Bangkok, Huai Khwang, Bang Kapi
Rent: āļŋ 15,000 / month
1 Bedroom Condo for rent in Supalai Veranda Rama 9, Bang Kapi, Bangkok
Full description

Listing ID: BC-01670

1 Bedroom Condo for rent in Supalai Veranda Rama 9, Bang Kapi, Bangkok

Supalai Veranda Rama 9
Supalai Veranda āļžāļĢāļ°āļĢāļēāļĄ 9 āđƒāļāļĨāđ‰āļ—āļēāļ‡āļ”āđˆāļ§āļ™
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About Supalai Veranda Rama 9

Under the concept of Living in the Forest, a condo blends perfectly between urban and nature

The project gives priority and focuses on green space. It provides a U-shaped building plan to make it stand out and add shade to the common areas. The garden area is surrounded by tropical jungles and a small waterfall that you can experience the garden view from the room beautifully. There is a full range of facilities offered in terms of the common area, such as a saltwa...

View more detail on Supalai Veranda Rama 9
Key features
  • Swimming pool Icon Swimming pool
  • Air conditioning Icon Air conditioning
  • Gym Icon Gym
  • Internet Icon Internet
  • Security Icon Security
  • Car park Icon Car park
  • Garden Icon Garden
  • Balcony Icon Balcony
  • Sauna Icon Sauna
  • Children's area Icon Children's area
  • Equipped kitchen Icon Equipped kitchen
  • Electricity Icon Electricity
  • Elevator Icon Elevator
  • Video cable Icon Video cable
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Bangkok, Huai Khwang, Bang Kapi
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